Golden Prairie
Golden Prairie is a village in southwestern Saskatchewan, north of Maple Creek and the Cypress Hills. It was established in the 1920s and, like many other prairie settlements, declined in the last forty years and now is home to 35 people, according to the last census.
Jerome Martin, Publisher of Spotted Cow Press, lived on a farm near Golden Prairie until he was seven, then moved to Golden Prairie where he lived until he left at the age of eighteen to attend University. He photographed Golden Prairie for a school publication when he was thirteen and has continued to document and write about his home town.
He has also photographed extensively in Canada, the United States, Japan, China and Africa. His photographs may be found in the collections of the Alberta Foundation of Art, the University of Alberta and numerous private collections in Canada and the United States.
This multimedia book includes Jerome Martin's photographs, writing and audio comments about the history of Golden Prairie. It's available for download at no cost. Use Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader to access the audio component.
Prints of the the photographs in this book are available for purchase. Contact Jerome Martin ( for further information on these photographs and on conference and workshop presentations on photography.
Published in 2007.
ISBN: 978-0-9780415-3-3
Free download