Are you serious?
A family's devastating encounter with brain injury

by Barrie Nowell and Rebecca Nowell

Families seeking information on what to expect after a family member suffers a brain infection or injury will find this book invaluable. Are You Serious? is a detailed examination of what to expect after brain injury from the family’s perspective. The diary format provides a highly readable, day-by-day account of the fears and tears of one family’s journey through the process of illness and recovery. Healthcare professionals will also benefit from reading this book, as it will remind them that the impact they have on the client and family is often dependent on what they say or don’t say. This is a daring book that exposes both the good and the not-so-good of the healthcare system and the struggle to regain one’s identity after brain injury.

- Timothy H. Landry, PhD

Author Barrie Nowell captures the poignant and true story of his beautiful, cheerful, talented young daughter who is swept away from the edge of life by a brain battering bout of encephalitis. His and Rebecca’s account speaks powerfully about the value of family, friends, fortitude and faith as Rebecca is assisted back to her journey and encouraged to press onward.

- Trevor J. Quinn, Pharmacist (Retired)

Published in 2004
ISBN: 0-9731012-5-3
Price: softcover $34.95 ($28.95 US)
E-book: $16.95

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