The City Slicker Chicken
and other Tales
by Moneca Wilson
The City Slicker Chicken is a delightful collection of anecdotes and memoirs that should be read by all prairie chickens, both urban and rural. This patchwork quilt collection is poignant, humourous, and moving, and though its stories often reflect on the past in a difficult but dearly loved environment, they provide insight to the present, and cast an eye to our future.
Western Canadas history is unique among nations of the world because there are so many people still around whove seen most of it themselves, or heard it from the people who did. That gives us a chance to record the stories of peoples lives first-hand, from the days when this land was awakening to its place in a new world. Its a bonus when the stories from those days can be presented as real, heartwarming memories. This book is about where we came from. Reading about the day Granny got lost in the berry patch, or the neighbours whose dreams of a farm were buried by the prairie winds, paints the colours of our lives today. This is a history worth recording, and its also a very good read.
Greg Neiman, Red Deer Advocate
Published in 2003 ISBN: 0-9688977-4-6 Price: softcover $21.95 CAN ($14.95 US)
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