Squire Davis and the Crazy River
by S. Minsos
Where does the bolt of Cupid fall? Not where it should, some say. Jennet Ferguson is a Scotch immigrant. Her family are pioneer settlers in Uxbridge, Canada West, 1845. William Ferguson, Jennet's brother, introduces her to the Mohawk. He is Squire, son of David. The attraction between Jennet and Squire is immediate but the course of true love never did run smooth. Irascible families, cultural diff erences, separation, American slave snatchers, the rebellious Markham Gang and, worst of all, other lovers are the obstacles that threaten to deflect Cupid's bolt and crush the budding romance.

"No one understands culture like Minsos. A great yarn. Entertaining, absorbing, wicked."
- Mel Hurtig, author of The Truth About Canada
Brilliant! Squire Davis and the Crazy River weaves an enchanting tale about a forgotten past on the banks of the Grand River and a young Mohawk's journey to fi nd his voice amidst colliding cultures, with a memorable ensemble of heroes and villains, and the certain allure of a plucky Scotchwoman. You’ll love it.
- Dr. Janine Brodie, FRSC
Canada Research Chair, University of Alberta
Set in a lawless time of struggle and intrigue where societal mores are constantly challenged and defi ed, this riveting story about Ontario (Canada West) is a pleasure to read.
- Dianne Gillespie
An intriguing narrative and a superbly written blend of fiction and history, Squire Davis and the Crazy River grabs and holds the reader, fi rst page to last.
- Lesley Clarke, Burlington, Ontario
Published in 2009.
ISBN: 978-177061000-2
Price: softcover $24 (Canada and USA)
Order now from info@spottedcowpress.ca.